SWEET martabak from BANDUNG

Posted by Mr. Adi | 21:18 | 0 comments »

SWEET martabak from BANDUNG
300 gr flour
75 gr sugar
3 eggs, stir briefly
500 cc of warm milk
5 grams instant yeast
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1. Mix dry ingredients, dry-
2. Add the eggs, mix well
3. Pour the warm milk, stir well. Cover with towel
4. Let stand until dough is fluffy, about 2 hours
5. Cook in a non-stick skillet (if possible heavy pan) over medium heat.
If new holes are closed. If the fire can't be hot enough dough
6. Its contents can be varied with sesame, cheese, nuts or chocolate based
with their respective tastes