Kuhl Soto genus Polianthes

Posted by Mr. Adi | 20:43 | 0 comments »

Kuhl Soto genus Polianthes
A village chickens
2 lt water
1 teaspoon salt
4 lime leaves torn
3 cm galangal, smashed
3 cm ginger, crushed
3 tbsp oil
2 tbsp soya sauce
1 teaspoon salt
2 stalk scallion delve 2 cm
3 tablespoons purple onion, fry, knead
2 tablespoons garlic, fry, knead
1 tbsp finely sliced seldri
100 gr Soun, hot water soak, drain
100 gr short bean sprouts, cleaned
8 pcs shallots
5 cloves garlic
3 cm ginger
½ teaspoon pepper
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
Fried chips
Red chili sauce
2 pcs lemon
1. Boil chicken, water, bay, lime leaves, galangal, ginger and lemongrass on top
medium heat until boiling and the chicken is tender. Remove chicken, strain broth and chopped chicken, allow.
2. Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant, pour the broth, soy and
salt, bring around a boil.
3. Suwir Add chicken, scallions, fried shallots, garlic
fries, tomatoes and leaf seldri, bring around a boil again.
4. Presentation: set Soun, bean sprouts in a serving bowl, pour the chicken stock,
serve with supplementary material.
For 6 people